Monday, May 10, 2010


A reader/tattooist submission from Eric Scsavnicki, Ink monster Tattoo, Atlanta, GA. The first is an owl on him done by Darrin White, the second is his own work.

EDIT: 400th post!!!

The Real Beauty of a Flower Tattoo Design

The Real Beauty of a Flower Tattoo Design

Flower tattoo designs definitely deserve to be among the top ten of the most beloved tattoos in body-art history. That is because flowers, like just a few other things, are perfect subjects for any tattoo artist and wonderful artworks for any tattoo lover.

People choose to get flower patterns on their body primarily because of their beauty, which is also the reason why they are so much beloved by tattooists. How many kinds of flowers do you know? There are so many, so different from each other and all so beautiful and colourful - it is easy to understand why they are so popular.

As any other symbol of beauty and elegance, flower tattoo designs are commonly considered feminine tattoos. Just as butterfly tattoo designs, flower tattoos are coloured symbol for delicacy, joy, love... not really what a "real man" would wish to wear for the rest of his life. Nonetheless, flowers tattoos are often chosen by men for the meanings they carry.

As a matter of facts, flowers are not only wonderful designs: each flower has a different symbolic meaning, allowing different people, men or women, to express their individual personality.

For many people, flowers tattoos are symbols of life. They are often seen as a representation of the cycle of life: people see them growing, living and eventually dying. The feeling of death, of something beautiful but in some way always about to end, make flowers even more fascinating, making them beautiful but, at the same time, melancholic symbols.

Tattoos are usually there to express something personal. A rose tattoo design usually express love or passion, but it could have a completely different meaning to me, representing something or someone important in my life. However, it is not bad to know something about the general meanings of flower tattoos.

As said, rose usually express love and passion, but not if they are white. The great thing about flowers is that any detail could change the whole meaning of a tattoo. White roses usually express purity or friendship among women. With a sword through it, a rose symbolize a dangerous love.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

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Hoots in Atlantis

Getting closer to catching up on reader submissions...

First from Matt, by Guapo at Godspeed tattoo in Breckenridge CO.

Next up, Robert, done by Oliver at The Tattoo Shop in Midland, Tx.

Guo sent in the above, done by Richard Bahadur

This coverup was sent in by Ken and done by Matt Laster, Whittier, California.

And last but not least, Yesenia and her tattoo done by Dario from Element Tattoo in San Antonio, TX.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dirty Hooty

Marcus Korling

Dirty Hooty

Marcus Korling

Date Nhoot

A couple of DeviantArt owls.

Hoots in Atlantis

Getting closer to catching up on reader submissions...

First from Matt, by Guapo at Godspeed tattoo in Breckenridge CO.

Next up, Robert, done by Oliver at The Tattoo Shop in Midland, Tx.

Guo sent in the above, done by Richard Bahadur

This coverup was sent in by Ken and done by Matt Laster, Whittier, California.

And last but not least, Yesenia and her tattoo done by Dario from Element Tattoo in San Antonio, TX.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hoot Murmur

Tattooist submission by Scott Lukacs.


A reader/tattooist submission from Eric Scsavnicki, Ink monster Tattoo, Atlanta, GA. The first is an owl on him done by Darrin White, the second is his own work.

EDIT: 400th post!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tottenham Hootspur

Another tattooist submission from Daniel Herlihy, previously featured here.


Whoah, Scotty Munster


Reader roundup for Monday...
Nice owltline from Jesse, done by Becka Macdonald at Poison Apple Tattoo in Ferine, BC. I'm looking forward to seeing this finished.

Submission from 'Fancy Beast', by Jeff Pageau of Mcinnis Tattoo Company in Providence RI. Did your parents call you that?

Above comes from Andrea.

And finally, above was submitted by Brett

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Fast And The Furyhoots

And a third tattooist submission for today, this one from AJ Ruin.